Jamar Health Products

Category: Car Transfer Devices, Early Mobility Devices, Ergonomic Bathing/Showering/Toileting Devices, Falls Prevention/Recovery Devices, Friction Reducing Devices, Patient Transfer Positioning Devices, Pressure Ulcer Prevention/Management, SPHM Training
States: ,
Contact Email: patrans@patran.net
Contact Phone: 414-529-5175
Company Website: https://patran.net
Certified as: None
Brief Services Description:

Jamar Health Products produces and sells PATRANĀ® slide sheets for use with more than 25 safe patient-handling and mobility tasks. Each PATRAN slide sheet can be used up to 50 times with a single patient.

PATRAN slides sheets reduce caregiver and patient injuries, provide patient comfort, and promote mobility and infection control. Use them anywhere a caregiver moves patients.

PATRAN slide sheets are for use by health care professionals. Made in the USA, PATRAN slide sheets are registered with the Food and Drug Administration. PATRAN slide sheets ae latex-free, static resistant, MR safe, radiolucent and recyclable.

A certified women-owned small business, Jamar holds a Department of Veterans Affairs contract with its products listed in the Federal Supply Schedule. Jamar is a proud Association of Safe Patient Handling Professionals sponsor. Several staff members are ASPHP members and Jamar President Stefanie Scott has earned certification through the organization.
